St. Mary’s Arts and Science College, Cherupanathady

Cherupanathady, Panathady PO
Rajapuram Via, Kasargod Dist
Kerala – 671532

NSS Camp 2020

The Spring is a passionate and determined group of monthly givers on a mission to end the water crisis in our lifetime. People like you, from more than 100 countries around the world, giving anything they can to prove how unstoppable we are when we work together.

Clean water helps keep kids in school, especially girls.

We are excited to share the highlights of our National Service Scheme (NSS) Camp held in 2020 at St. Mary's Arts and Science College. The NSS camp was a remarkable event that brought together our students, faculty, and the community for a week of service, learning, and community engagement. Event Overview: NSS Camp 2020 In December 2020, St. Mary's Arts and Science College organized an NSS Camp with the theme "Service Beyond Self." The camp aimed to instill a sense of social responsibility, community service, and leadership among our students. Activities and Achievements:
  1. Community Outreach: Our NSS volunteers actively engaged in various community outreach programs, including cleanliness drives, awareness campaigns, and health check-up camps in nearby villages.
  2. Environmental Initiatives: The camp placed a strong emphasis on environmental conservation. Tree plantation drives, waste management programs, and awareness sessions on sustainable practices were conducted.
  3. Skill Development Workshops: NSS volunteers participated in skill development workshops, including first aid training, disaster management, and leadership skills enhancement.
  4. Cultural Exchange: The camp fostered cultural exchange activities, where our students interacted with the local community, sharing experiences and learning from each other.
Impact and Community Response: The NSS Camp 2020 received an overwhelming response from the community, with positive feedback on the initiatives undertaken. The activities not only enhanced the quality of life for the residents but also left a lasting impact on our students, fostering a sense of empathy and social consciousness. Future Initiatives: Encouraged by the success of the NSS Camp 2020, St. Mary's Arts and Science College remains committed to organizing such impactful events in the future. Our aim is to continue fostering a spirit of community service and instilling values that go beyond the classroom. Stay tuned for more news and events as we embark on a journey of making a positive impact through education and service at St. Mary's Arts and Science College! Less time collecting water means more time in class. Clean water and proper toilets at school means teenage girls don’t have to stay home for a week out of every month.

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