St. Mary’s Arts and Science College, Cherupanathady

Cherupanathady, Panathady PO
Rajapuram Via, Kasargod Dist
Kerala – 671532

Women’s Day Seminar

Women Protection Seminar St. Mary's Arts and Science College hosted a thought-provoking seminar on "Women Protection and Empowerment" to address crucial issues surrounding the safety and well-being of women. The seminar, held recently, brought together experts, scholars, and the college community to engage in insightful discussions and collaborative efforts towards creating a safer environment. Seminar Highlights: Women Protection and Empowerment 1. Expert Panel Discussions: Distinguished experts in the field of women's rights, safety, and empowerment led engaging panel discussions. Topics ranged from legal frameworks for women's protection to strategies for fostering a culture of respect and equality. 2. Awareness Campaigns: The seminar featured impactful awareness campaigns focusing on women's rights, gender equality, and the importance of creating safe spaces. Students actively participated in spreading awareness within the college campus and the surrounding community. 3. Skill-building Workshops: Empowering women with knowledge and skills, the seminar included practical workshops on self-defense, assertiveness training, and digital safety. These workshops aimed to equip women with the tools needed to navigate various aspects of their lives confidently. 4. Inspirational Stories: The seminar showcased inspiring stories of women who have overcome challenges and made significant contributions to society. These narratives served as powerful examples of resilience and determination. 5. Community Engagement: Beyond the college walls, the seminar extended its reach to the local community. Collaborative initiatives with local organizations and authorities were explored to create a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to women's protection. 6. Call to Action: The seminar concluded with a collective call to action, urging the community to actively participate in creating a safe and supportive environment for women. Initiatives such as mentorship programs, awareness campaigns, and ongoing educational efforts were emphasized. Continuing the Conversation: St. Mary's Arts and Science College remains committed to fostering an environment that prioritizes women's protection and empowerment. We believe in the power of education, awareness, and collective action to bring about positive change. As we reflect on the insights gained from the Women Protection Seminar, we look forward to implementing tangible measures that contribute to the safety, well-being, and empowerment of women within our college and beyond. Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing initiatives and events at St. Mary's Arts and Science College. Together, let's build a community that stands for equality, respect, and the protection of women's rights.

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